National Security Science Podcast

Nuclear Testing Moratorium, Pivot to Stockpile Stewardship; Nevada Episode (2 of 3)

Episode Summary

On September 23, 1992, the United States conducted Divider, an underground test at the Nevada Test Site, which is now called the Nevada National Security Site. The test, designed and executed by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory, was the nation’s 1,054th and final nuclear weapons test before the current testing moratorium. Divider marked the end of an era that began with the Trinity test. Thirty years later, the National Security Science magazine team paid a visit to the Divider test site. We traveled with group of scientists who had been involved with underground nuclear testing to mark this historic anniversary.

Episode Notes

The National Security Science podcast is a spin-off of National Security Science magazine at Los Alamos National Laboratory. We bring you stories from the Lab’s Weapons Program—stories that show how innovative science and engineering are the key to keeping America safe. Or, as we like to say, better science equals better security.

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Previous title: Nevada series episode 2: The testing moratorium and the pivot to stockpile stewardship